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Book Choice Matters!

What is your favorite book genre?  Do you like to read fiction?...mystery?...fantasy?... so many choices, so little time!!!  If you're like me, you know that you love books... you have so many that you want to read from different genres, but you find it difficult to set time aside AND you don't want to get bored with your book choices!  Well, did you ever think about your own students and how they might feel about reading?

Book choice matters for them, too!

Often, children may experience a lack of interest in reading because they are given reading materials that they do not enjoy.  They might feel that they are wasting their time on a task that they may find meaningless... this is where you come in!

It is our job to help our students enjoy reading and get excited about it!

Here are some ways that you can do that ~

  • Book Talks! - Introduce a variety of books to your students each week with book talks.  These are like "movie trailers" for books.  They're small snippets of info about books that leaves listeners with a cliffhanger that they will "have to read to find out!"
  • Book Tastings! - Turn your classroom into a restaurant filled with delicious book tastings!  Give your students "menus" that give snippets of info (similar to the book talks) about a variety of books!  Leave your students hungry for more!
  • Switch Up Your Classroom Library! - Make sure that you keep your classroom library fresh! Rotate out books and introduce new books throughout the school year.  Kids don't want to see the same old choices - give them some fresh titles or even re-arrange your library and organize it in a new way!  Instead of organizing by genre, organize by author, book color, alphabetically... think of new ways to MIX IT UP!
  • Mystery Books! - Cover books in fun wrapping paper and turn them into mystery books!  Introducing books to kids in this way might show them something that they passed up before, or something that they have never seen before!  Turn it into a game... who doesn't like uncovering mysteries?!

Motivating your students to read is SO important!  However you do it, encourage your students to read different books, not just the same old same old!  Make sure that you give them ample time to read in a comfortable environment.  Who doesn't love reading on a cozy pillow or under a tent?!
I know I'd love that if I were a kid!  

Give your students fun and exciting reading opportunities everyday!

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